Tip 10: It’s camping but not how we know it

Last updated: 08/12/2013 12:21 by IKEA Mums to IKEA Mums's Blog
Filed under: Ikea Mum Bloggers
My two monkeys love to play make believe and indoor camping is one of their favourite games. They were delighted to see me unpack 4 metres of brightly coloured fabric from the wide range available at IKEA to serve as their tent - it certainly beat the boring old bed sheets I usually offer them! The luxurious throw made a beautiful carpet for their hut and the colourful spotted cushions provided even more comfort. As you can see my little boy Jack, is rather fond of Sully the blue monster from Monsters Inc while Lucy, my little girl, likes to take on the role of mummy and enjoyed tucking him into bed. They really enjoyed playing in their hideout - thank you for inviting us to take part! 
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Thank you to our MummyPages Mum Louise Pearce Hogan and family.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology