Tip 13: Story Time

Last updated: 14/12/2013 15:05 by IKEA Mums to IKEA Mums's Blog
Filed under: Ikea Mum Bloggers
My two Irish twins love to snuggle under our IKEA duvet and listen to a story. The promise of the lovely family-time activity is the only way I can persuade them to get ready for bed! I had never considered the idea of introducing some cute IKEA finger puppets to help bring our story to life - the children loved it. We used them to play roles in the story and to create shadows on the wall. For once we had giggles and squeals of delight before bedtime instead of tears! I've also found the finger puppets very effective at helping to give simple instructions like, brushing teeth and washing faces...there is no end to the possibilities....I think they could become my new best friends! 
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Thank you to our MummyPages Mum Laura Doherty and family.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology