Tip 3: Get a pizza the action

Last updated: 28/11/2013 12:25 by IKEA Mums to IKEA Mums's Blog
Filed under: Ikea Mum Bloggers
My 6 year old son, Jack, loves Ikea. 
It's the combination of things to do - he loves a play in Småland while I have a mooch around, thinks we're going to the 3 bears house when we pass through the model apartment, always gets to buy a little something in the kids section, then really enjoys a trip to the cafe for quick pick me up and is a great fellah for manning the trolley as we go through the market place. 
He was very excited about the pizza project, as he loves pizzas and enjoys growing fruit and vegetables. We got our garden implements, our herbs and some onion and spinach seeds for growing from scratch. He wanted to plant the pea-sticks and measure out the twine by himself, so I offered just a little bit of help. I'll help him keep an eye on his pizza crop - though I may not have to intervene - he's very keen!
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Thank you to our MummyPages Mum Helen Feighan and family.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology