Your Clothes Don’t Fit

Last updated: 18/03/2015 14:36 by Newmumtales to Newmumtales's Blog
Filed under: Guest Bloggers
I don’t know what it is but I read all the books and downloaded every single pregnancy related app and nowhere did it tell me (maybe it did and I chose to ignore it) that I would literally have no clothes to wear
once I came home after giving birth, and I mean not a stitch!

When you’re a mere mortal like myself you will walk out of the hospital and mind you I couldn’t even manage this very well! And you will still look like you’re 5/6 months pregnant. Remember that infamous Kate Middleton picture where she left the hospital still sporting her bump, most people will have more bump and less Kate Middleton look.

Having no clothes to fit you doesn’t really help your emotional state. I went around in baggy bottoms and jumpers for weeks, I couldn’t even tell you if they were mine. It’s an in-between stage where my maternity clothes didn’t fit and my pre-pregnancy clothes certainly didn’t fit!!

I’ll be the first to admit I did not love my post natal body, it’s kind of scary looking down at the empty home your baby lived in for 10 months. I think as women we put ourselves under so much pressure to get back into‘shape’ and we need to remember that a human being grew inside of us and lived quite comfortably in there. Stop and think about that for a moment – it’s quite impressive.

I used to look at Instagram and all these ‘fitmoms’ with six packs literally after having a baby and unfortunately for most of us that is just not possible and its okay. Please know that this is okay. It’s important to do the exercises they tell you to do in the hospital and ladies we all know how important these are!

It is also really important to get active again even if that means going for a walk and for some people that will be 4 weeks, 6 weeks or even longer after labour. Listen to your body and do what’s right for you because everybody is so different and not everybody had the same pregnancy or went through the same type of labour.

I feel like I’m making so much sense sitting here writing this and I only wish I could have looked at it like this when I was recovering. Please don’t look at yourself negatively because those beautiful baby eyes staring back at you think you’re just perfect mama!
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology