Here at MummyPages, we frequently get asked by our mums (and dads-to-be) where they can find information that’s aimed at men about pregnancy and parenthood and we’re delighted to say we have found just the book! There are loads of wonderful books (and some terrific websites, like MummyPages!) for mums-to- be but dads-to-be tend to be forgotten. The good news is, David Caren, the founder of popular website and father of three has just released ‘The Irish Dad’s survival guide to pregnancy and beyond’ so the man in your life need no longer feel left out! David’s book is packed full of practical advice, tried and tested dad tips, expert opinions and real-life experiences from fellow dads. It takes the expectant dad on a journey of discovery from the first trimester right through to those exciting first few weeks of new family life written from the perspective of a dad.
No topic is off limit in David’s book, there is an answer for every question an expectant father might possibly have, from what foods to avoid during pregnancy to what he can do to help alleviate morning-sickness and from how to choose the right pram to how to deliver a baby (in case of emergency only!) The guide ensures that your partner will be up-to-date on every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth from sex during pregnancy to what he should bring to the hospital to keep himself entertained during labour!
So, if you’re an expectant mum and are sick and tired of explaining the in’s and out’s of pregnancy, from scans to epidurals then it might be a wise decision to give the man in your life the gift of ‘The Irish Dad’s Survival Guide to Pregnancy and Beyond’. Pop it on his nightstand or leave it in the car so he can read it whenever he gets a chance and before you know it he will be telling you what the best pram on the market is and what to expect during labour! David’s book is a really wonderful resource for men that’s written in a straightforward, humorous style that is sure to keep your man interested and entertained from pregnancy to labour and beyond!
The Irish Dad's Survival Guide to Pregnancy (and Beyond) is available in all good bookshops, RRP £12.99