When you find out you are pregnant, don’t be surprised if everyone wants in on the news as well. However, while some people offer support from a distance, a number - most notably your own mother - will want to get right into your entire pregnancy, doctor visits and all.  
If you are feeling that your mum is becoming a little overbearing, here are a few things you can do:
Talk to them
This is not going to be easy, not by a long shot, but once you have aired your grievances you will feel a lot better. Sit down over coffee and have a chat. Explain how you feel that they are starting to interfere and that while you appreciate their opinion, sometimes it is just too much. Talk about ways they can be involved and things that they can do to help you.
Give them a role
For a lot of mums, when their daughter is pregnant, they just want to be involved - they aren't simply going out of their way to annoy you. They just want to be involved in this exciting new part of your life, so let them – obviously staying in control. Bring them along when you are shopping for baby furniture or let them give name suggestions. Obviously your decision is final, but they will feel like they are doing something useful.
Keep in mind your hormones
Your hormones are all over the place and you are likely to be over-sensitive to what is going on around you. Keep this in mind before you fly off the handle at them for interfering.
Look at their life
If you find your mother is around a lot more than usual, try to look to her life. ask yourself has anything changed that has made her more clingy? Is she feeling lonely or is she trying to reconnect a relationship with you that you may have let slide while you were trying to stat your own life.
This is not just an exciting time for you, your own mother will become a grandmother for the first time or even the fifth, and she is obviously just very excited. If you really feeling like her actions are getting a bit much refer to the first point – talk to her. 

