When it comes to resolutions, we spend one day thinking them up and 365 days breaking them; there is definitely a difference between what you think will happen and what actually happens. 


Expectation: You are going to be more organised this year.


Reality: You spend the first week making up timetable plans, to-do lists and creating an organised folder to keep all your important documents and the next month struggling to stick with your resolution. By February, you’ll be back to your normal self and realise that things aren’t actually that bad.


Expectation: You’ll take up running


Reality: The first couple of weeks you will be getting over the Christmas season, then it’ll be too cold, and wet and you’ll never find the time and by March or April you’ll be so sick of feeling guilty for not going out for a run you’ll simply tell yourself it’s all over, before it even began.


Expectation: You are going to have more ‘me time’


Reality: Your kids simply won’t allow it. They’ll always need you for something or another and even if you do manage to pour that glass of wine, you’ll definitely never have the time to drink it.


Expectation: You will visit one country that you’ve never been to this year.


Reality: By the time summer rolls around you’ll be so knackered that you’ll struggle to muster up the energy to look for somewhere new, never mind book it. Your trusty Spanish destination will do for now, maybe next year.


Expectation: You’ll get the kids to do more chores


Reality: You’ll approach the year with great intentions but will struggle to get them to do their old jobs, never mind new ones. You'll end up doing it yourself - anything for an easy life.


Expectation: You’ll experiment more in the kitchen


Reality: You’ll spend at least three hours slaving in the kitchen only to be told by your little madam that they don’t care for couscous. You’ll be back to the trusty lasagne before January is even over. 


