It can seem as if you do little else but visit the toilet when you’re pregnant – especially during the first trimester! There are several reasons for this. The first is that hCG, the ‘pregnancy hormone’ causes your body to increase blood flow to your pelvic area. This causes you to produce more urine.
Your kidneys are also working harder to keep your body free of toxins, and that means more trips to the bathroom.
Last, but certainly not least, there’s the growing weight of your uterus and baby, pressing on your bladder. This will continue throughout your pregnancy, and by your last trimester, you’ll probably find yourself making frequent bathroom breaks again.
The good news is that by staying hydrated, and allowing your body to do its job, flushing out toxins, you’re creating a safe environment for your baby. If you lean forward while on the toilet, you should make sure that you empty your bladder completely this should help a little.
Your kidneys are also working harder to keep your body free of toxins, and that means more trips to the bathroom.
Last, but certainly not least, there’s the growing weight of your uterus and baby, pressing on your bladder. This will continue throughout your pregnancy, and by your last trimester, you’ll probably find yourself making frequent bathroom breaks again.
The good news is that by staying hydrated, and allowing your body to do its job, flushing out toxins, you’re creating a safe environment for your baby. If you lean forward while on the toilet, you should make sure that you empty your bladder completely this should help a little.
Don’t be surprised if you do spend a lot more time in the bathroom while you’re pregnant though – it’s perfectly normal.