Our bodies go through a lot when we fall pregnant with our precious little darlings – we get pains we have never experienced before, we are tired, we get stretch marks; and, often, sex is the very last thing on our minds.


Yes, try as we might to go about getting intimate with our other-half, sometimes we’re just not into it, or it just doesn’t feel right. This is something that Australian blogger Mel Watts can absolutely relate to.


Mel, who blogs at The Modern Mumma, is currently expecting her fourth child. Known for her refreshing honesty about parenthood and pregnancy, Mel decided to get real about pregnancy sex in her latest (very candid) Facebook post.


Posting a hilarious shot of her eyes poking out over her blooming baby bump, she admits that she can’t relate to those people who ‘thrive’ in the bedroom during their pregnancy.


“We try. I really think we do. I know how I got in this situation, and I promised myself this time would be different…I’m going to be the best sex goddess ever when I’m pregnant, I said,” she writes.



Well, unfortunately, it hasn’t quite worked out that way for Mel, who adds: “Well, here I am. Beach whale AF. Sweaty. Wearing a liner – not because I’m that kind of wet. I have a rash on my stomach from stretching skin. My breasts are weapons – they’ll knock anyone out.”


How many of you can relate to Mel’s admission; that she just doesn’t feel sexy at this time in her life, and that her best efforts to embrace sexiness when she’s ‘just not feeling it’ aren’t quite working?


Of course, her partner could not be more supportive. Indeed, she admits that he will still ‘happily call her beautiful and sexy’, even though she is preoccupied by the thoughts of being ‘filled with 10 fingers, 10 toes and all sorts of body parts that stick out.’


“I’m at my worst. I’m leaking, I stink, I moan and groan, I’m hairy…And he still wants me,” she admits.



“Maybe he’s one of those people that like this kind of situation? Or maybe he is just amazing, caring, doting and a terrible lying partner of an over-emotional, stretched, pregnant wife. Either way – I’ll keep him.”


While we love Mel’s refreshing – and, at times, hilarious – honesty in this post, we also can’t help but melt a little at the wonderfully supportive words and attitude of her husband.


Needless to say, Mel’s post has garnered a lot of conversation – can you relate?


