We have all rolled our eyes at people suggesting that Daddy is ‘babysitting’ while Mummy enjoys a night out, or strangers praising our other-half for being ‘so good with Baby’ as if it comes as a surprise. Why does society seem wired to look at mums and dads differently in this way?
This is something that Jeremy Martin-Weber, a father-of-six, simply cannot understand – and he has penned the perfect open letter to correct anyone guilty of downgrading Dad to the ‘babysitter’ role.
Jeremy and his wife, Jessica, run a blog called Beyond Moi; and when Jessica recently had to leave town for work, Jeremy decided to share a very important and insightful post about his role in her absence – it simply doesn’t change.
The doting dad-of-six shared his ‘to-do list’ containing all of the tasks – physical and emotional – that need to be fulfilled while Jessica is away. These include cooking for the children and getting them to school on time; hugging and comforting the little ones when they have a nightmare; and supporting their teenage daughters with their relationship struggles.
“Now to figure out who…will model kindness, love, patience, listening, empathy, strength, bravery and all the good things to them. How is going to do all that stuff while their mum is away?” he wrote.
Well, Jeremy, of course!
“Me. That’s who. Because I’m not the babysitter. I’m not just their playmate. I’m their dad. And looking after them and guiding them and caring for them is my responsibility,” he explained.
Hear, hear. This is the kind of post that everyone – regardless of whether they are a parent or not – needs to read. Just because Mum is away, doesn’t mean everything is going to fall to pieces in her absence!
“This house will not fall apart or be trashed, and the kids will not be ruined because Dad is in charge. And no, I don’t deserve anyone’s special praise and adoration…I’m just doing what every parent should do, and what mums do every day without praise or adoration,” wrote Jeremy.
“It is enough that the mother of our children and I communicate our appreciation to each other for all the things we do for our family.”
Jeremy’s post has really struck a chord across social media, with many people taking to the comment section to pay tribute to their partners for being such wonderful mums and dads.
Tagging her partner, one mum named Monica summed it up as she wrote: “So thankful that you GET IT. You’re a fabulous dad and partner. It’s so insulting and demeaning to dads, to call them babysitters for their own children.”
Meanwhile, another praised her husband, tagging him and writing: “Thank you for being everything for our son.”
We could not love this post more if we tried! Be sure to tag your partner in the comment section, and share this important message with them.