There have been some pretty incredible birth stories doing the rounds of late, but this one is a truly amazing coincidence.


Two Welsh sisters are celebrating this week after giving birth to their babies – in adjacent hospital rooms, just three minutes apart.


Dwynwen Williams, 38, and Iola Roberts, 39, who were both overdue and set to be induced, astonished everyone when they ended up going into labour at the exact same time.


Williams told the “When I arrived at the hospital, I was told I’d have to wait because there was someone in the treatment room being examined, and I replied, ‘Tell her to get a move on!’ The midwife was shocked until she realised it was my sister.”



The two sisters went on to give birth just three minutes apart, welcoming babies of near identical weights; Williams’ son Celt was born weighing 7lbs. 14oz., while Roberts’ daughter Mirain weighed 7lbs. 13oz.


Anyone who has given birth will know that it’s an incredibly emotional time, so luckily for these sisters, they were placed in hospital beds directly beside each other.


Commenting after the amazing turn of events, Roberts said: “It was like a family reunion on the ward. It was lovely having my sister next to me.”


