You hear the horror stories of 36-hour labours and the mums who push for hours to bring their bundle of joys into the world.


However, could you imagine your shock when your labour lasts only seconds?


Unknown to a mum, Kay Smith her baby girl wasn't waiting around for the emergency services as she was delivered by her own dad.


Phil Shaw soon found himself playing doctor when he discovered Kay upstairs with her waters broken.


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Explaining the quick arrival of their newborn, the dad told that at around 3.30 am Kay started to have contractions.


"She woke me and said that the baby would be coming soon and then the contractions were getting really severe," he said.


“I said that we needed to get to the hospital. I was making sure that we had everything ready and getting the bag sorted.


"I then heard her shout: ‘babe, I need you’, really loud. I am surprised she didn’t wake up the whole street!”


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That's when Phil saw Kay's waters had gone and he immediately rang the emergency services.


His daughter, on the other hand, had different ideas.


As Phil was waiting to speak to an operator, baby Elsie-Mai made her dramatic arrival.


“I had got the towels ready. I don’t think I even spoke to the operator before the baby was there! It was nerve-wracking. You see it on television and don’t think it will happen to you,” said the 28-year-old.


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The family was transported by ambulance to the Royal Stoke University Hospital.


The newborn, Elsie-Mai tipped the scales at 7lb 6oz and will reportedly be released from the hospital over the weekend.


Once she gets the all clear, the newborn has two brothers and a sister waiting at home to meet her. 



Naturally, the experience has shaken Kay, as she said she won't be making home births a habit.


The new mum had nothing but praise for her partner in a very scary situation.


She said: “I’m really proud of Phil, I am also shocked that he didn’t panic in that scary situation!


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