Jenny G. Perry, a mum of five children has gained publicity recently thanks to an inspirational piece she wrote for The Huffington Post about loving her body.
She was also asked by Oprah Magazine what she loved most about her body, to which she answered: “My belly.”
Jenny says that from now on she will never think of her stretch marks or what she calls her “pooch” in a negative light ever again: "From here on out, they shall forever more be called goddess tattoos. Each of those goddess tattoos tells a story, weight losses, self-loathing and hard-work, my goddess tattoos have led me to become a confident, happy woman. Lots have bloomed out of that womb.”
The mum now says she hopes to change the outlook for a future generation: “Let’s rewrite this story for the next generation. When you see a lady you know on the street or even one you don’t know post a picture online, tell her, ‘You look beautiful.’ It’s such a powerful thing. She feels good and you feel good. It’s a win-win.”

