Chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes
Rachel Allen
25 mins
20 mins
Here is something to do on a rainy day. Bake these cupcakes and decorate them with a fudgy topping and some jelly beans or anything you like! Try chocolate buttons, dolly mixture or hundreds and thousands. Store the cupcakes in an airtight container and eat within four days-if you can resist them for that long!
150g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
125g caster sugar
100ml milk
75g butter, melted and cooled
2 eggs
50g peanut butter
For the icing:
100g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
1 tbsp golden syrup
25g butter
Your choice of decorations
12 hole muffin tin
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F), gas mark 4. Line the muffin tin with paper cases.
Sift with flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt into a large bowl and stir in the sugar. Beat together the milk, butter and eggs and add to the dry ingredients, pouring in a little at a time and stirring to give a smooth batter. Stir in the peanut butter, rippling it through rather than mixing completely.
Divide the cake mixture between the paper cases, filling them quite full.
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until just firm to the touch. Remove the tin from the oven and leave to cool for about 2 minutes before transferring the cakes to a wire rack to cool completely.
Meanwhile, make the topping. Place the chocolate, golden syrup and butter in a small saucepan on a very low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Leave to cool for a few minutes before spooning onto the cupcakes. Top with your choice of decorations and leave to set
makes 12 cupcakes
Preparation Time
25 minutes
Cooking Time
20 minutes
Main ingredients
Flour, Chocolate
Recipe Type
Cakes & Baking, Cake Stall, Cupcakes
Special Info
Level of Difficulty