There have been plenty of interesting health reports of late, and this latest one regarding the effect of organic milk on babies is certainly intriguing.


Researchers behind a new study are claiming that organic milk is less healthy than regular milk and could even cause unborn babies to have lower IQs.


The study was carried out by scientists at the University of Reading in the UK, and has been linked with previous research which found that mums-to-be who are lacking in iodine during pregnancy can give birth to children with lower IQs.


Researchers of this latest study found that, compared with regular milk, organic milk contains around one-third less iodine. Iodine is essential for maintaining a strong metabolism and is vital for healthy brain development in babies.



The study determined that pregnant women who switch to organic milk in the belief that it is healthier for them and their unborn child could be putting their baby at risk as a result of the reduced levels of iodine.


Commenting on the study’s findings, lead author Ian Givens said: “People are increasingly buying organic and UHT (ultra-high temperature) milk for perceived health benefits or convenience, but our research shows that this trend could have serious implications for public health.”


“Iodine deficiency ought to be a health problem from the past, but unless this situation is carefully monitored, we risk sleepwalking into a new health crisis in the 21st century,” he added.


