There are many things that you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant. First, you need to consider your overall health. Start by eating a good diet full of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit. If you smoke or drink alcohol, stop. Make sure to get proper sleep and de-stress your life as much as possible. Ask your doctor about taking a folic acid supplement. Your husband also needs to be in good physical health as well. He also should make sure that his testicles don't get overheated in tight pants, exercise shorts, etc.
If you don't have any problems with fertility, avoid getting overly concerned with taking your temperature or using an ovulation predictor kit when you’re first trying. Instead make love as frequently as you desire, aiming for the middle of your monthly cycle. You should roll onto your back (if you're not already in that position) as soon as your husband ejaculates. Think of the “bicycle” exercise position. Tip your pelvis into the air and lift your legs, since gravity will help send the semen on its merry way. Be sure to have an orgasm, too. The rhythmic contractions also help move the semen up towards your cervix.
If you don't have any problems with fertility, avoid getting overly concerned with taking your temperature or using an ovulation predictor kit when you’re first trying. Instead make love as frequently as you desire, aiming for the middle of your monthly cycle. You should roll onto your back (if you're not already in that position) as soon as your husband ejaculates. Think of the “bicycle” exercise position. Tip your pelvis into the air and lift your legs, since gravity will help send the semen on its merry way. Be sure to have an orgasm, too. The rhythmic contractions also help move the semen up towards your cervix.