This is why babies kick in the womb, according to new study

There's nothing like that first kick.

You feel it and suddenly everything becomes real - your baby has made their presence known and it is something so special.

But what does it actually mean when they do it, if anything at all?

Well, according to a new study, it does mean something - and it shows just how clever babies are.

The brain activity of nineteen babies was studied and researchers found that brainwaves matching the movements of their limbs during sleep might help the infants form awareness of their bodies and surroundings.

Neuroscientist Lorenzo Fabrizi from University College London says that, ''Spontaneous movement and consequent feedback from the environment during the early developmental period are known to be necessary for proper brain mapping in animals such as rats.'' 

He added, "Here we showed that this may be true in humans too."

So what does it all mean?

The fetal movements  in the third trimester are actually helping your little one create a map of their own bodies - how adorable is that?

So if a baby moves his left hand during REM sleep, the brainwaves fire in the brains right hemisphere, which is in control of touch for the left hand.

The data also showed that the size of these brainwaves happened to be largest in babies born 10 weeks premature. 

So the results would suggest that the foetal kicks in the late stages of pregnancy might help to grow parts of the brain that control sensory input. 

As well as helping babies develop a sense of their own body.

Something to think about next time you feel a little kick in your belly, right? 

