Thread veins (also known as spider veins) are short, unconnected blue or purple lines that can appear anywhere on the body during pregnancy.


Generally found on the legs and face, not all expectant mums develop them but for those who do they can be quite frustrating.


1. What causes them?

Thread veins are caused by a backup of blood mainly due to the increase in the volume of blood flowing through your body, which cause your veins to swell and appear on your skin. They can also be due to hormone changes and even injuries.


2. Are they dangerous?

Thread veins generally don’t cause any health complications but you may experience an itching or burning sensation.



3. Are they permanent?

Thankfully, they aren’t typically permanent, with many disappearing less than five months after your baby arrives. However, for the ones that stay, there are plenty of treatment options including laser and sclerotherapy.


4. How can I prevent them?

Thread veins can be hereditary and there is little you can do to stop them occurring. However, there are plenty of things you can do to keep them at bay or from getting worse:

  • Eat plenty of fibre

This will prevent constipation which can contribute to swollen veins.

  • Don’t cross your legs when sitting

Allow the blood to flow by keeping your legs elevated and avoid crossing them when sitting down.

  • Wear support socks

Support or flight socks can help the blood continue flowing around your body, but avoid anything that is tight around your waist or groin.

  • Avoid standing/ sitting for long periods

If you have to stand for long periods shift from one leg to another and get up off your seat frequently.


Do the above even after you have given birth to help your thread veins heal.

