Lotus births are a pretty new trend in the world of bringing life into the world.


The name was coined by yogis who brought the practice, which involves not cutting a baby’s umbilical cord right away, to the US and Australia during the 1980s.


And while it may sound mystical, magical, and very hippy-esque, it’s also proven to be highly controversial. It would seem as though everywhere we look, there is a new (and sometimes bizarre) birthing trend, and despite the fact that a Lotus Birth actually happens after giving birth - we have the low down.


What is it?


Lotus birth, also known as umbilical nonseverance, is the practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut after childbirth so that the baby is left attached to the placenta until the cord naturally separates at the umbilicus - which is typically three to 10 days after birth.


In recent years, there has been an increase of new mums opting for this afterbirth trend, allowing the placenta until it falls off on its own - you literally keep it in a jar next to your baby. 



What's the catch?


The trend has hailed by some as a 'natural' option with a number of health benefits for the newborn, such as easing the transition from the womb to the world and giving the child an extra supply of nutrients.


The main purpose of a lotus birth is to allow the baby to obtain all the nutrients from the placenta following the birth, like stem cells.


Supporters of the trend claim that newborns face stress when they are cut off from their mothers, having been cut off from the blood supply. 


However (there is always a however, right?), doctors have issued warning regarding the concept of the Lotus birth, claiming that it can leave the baby and mumma open to infection. 



LOTUS DOĞUM ALIR MISINIZ Dünyada pek çok kültürde göbek kordonunun ve plasentanın derin anlamları OLDUĞUNU biliyor musunuz.aslında bizimkine benzer bir durum.malum biz de göbek bağını bebeğin ilerideki meslek seçimiyle alakalı olacak şekilde okul hastane bahçelerine gömüyoruz . Uzak doğu inançlarında anne ve bebeğin orijinal bağının cennetle bağı olduğuna inanıliyor. Bu yüzden göbek bağıni kesmiyorlar,(bizde saniyesinde.kestiklerini düşününce) kendi kendine kuruyup kopmasıni bekliyorlar. Lotus doğum olarak adlandırılan bu doğumda plasenta çıktıktan sonra yumuşak bir beze sarılıyor ve anne ile bebeğe yakın tutuluyor. Plasenta ve bebeğin aynı ısıda olmasına dikkat ediliyor ki kan ve hormonlar bebeğe aktarılmaya devam etsin. (BUNA BENİM EKLEMEK ISTEDIGIM ; BU UYGULAMA BEBEKTE İLERİDE OLUŞABİLECEK KANSIZLIK GİBİ DURUMLARINDA ÖNÜNE GEÇMEYE YATIYOR) . . Son olarak ise plasentanın temiz sekilde kokmadan kuruması için lavanta, biberiye ve deniz tuzu koyuluyor . Kuruyup bebekten ayrılinca da sanırım bizim.göbek bağı gömme gibi bir şey yapılıyor ne dersiniz ister miydiniz böyle bir şey? Sanırım bizim kültüre ters malum dogum sonrası evi istila eden akrabayi düşününce #lotusbirth @carriagehousebirth

A post shared by emzirme Danismani @emzirenanne) on


The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has previously stated:


"If left for a period of time after the birth, there is a risk of infection in the placenta which can consequently spread to the baby. The placenta is particularly prone to infection as it contains blood. At the post-delivery stage, it has no circulation and is essentially dead tissue."


They also strongly recommends that any baby that undergoes lotus birthing be closely monitored for infection.

What do you reckon, mums? Is this something you would try? 

