You asked

Are you pregnant with a sore pelvis and hips?

Your body goes through a multitude of physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. These changes cause all sorts of discomfort and misery for some pregnant women. As your body expands, aches and pains are part of the package. Your uterus is growing and your centre of gravity is completely off.

Plus, your body is growing accustomed to the release of new hormones. These hormones are doing their job getting your body ready to eject your baby, but it causes your joints and ligaments to loosen up. This includes the joints around your pelvis and spine. This not only causes soreness but can make your feel unstable.

While there are plenty of reasons why you are uncomfortable, there are also plenty of ways to find relief. Try a hot bath or a heating pad. Stretching and light yoga can help ease achy muscles and joints. If it gets severe, your doctor may recommend regular massages or even a visit to the chiropractor.

Other everyday ways to ease the aches and pains are to try a body pillow or a pillow placed between your legs while sleeping, implementing walking into your daily schedule to improve circulation, or resting often enough if you are on your feet all day.

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