Third Trimester
Third Trimester
- What are 2D, 3D and 4D ultra sound scans?
- What is CVS or Chorionic Villus Sampling?
- What routine blood tests do I need during pregnancy?
- Are hot baths safe during pregnancy?
- Are you pregnant with a sore pelvis and hips?
- Baby shower: what are my location options?
- Can I fly in the third trimester?
- Can I sleep on my back in late pregnancy?
- Childbirth classes: What types are available and what do they teach?
- Cloth nappies and disposable nappies - what are the differences?
- Do I need a birth plan?
- Does stress affect pregnancy?
- Eco friendly nursery - how do I create one?
- Haemorrhoids during pregnancy - how can I avoid or handle them?
- How can I handle my other children during the delivery?
- How can I handle pregnancy discomforts?
- How can I make my baby shower extra memorable?
- How can I prevent pregnancy stretch marks?
- How can I safely treat heartburn while pregnant?
- How can I shift a breech baby before birth?
- How can I sleep comfortably in late pregnancy?
- How can I stay hydrated during pregnancy?
- How can my husband help me during pregnancy?
- How do I deliver a breech baby?
- How do I plan my maternity leave?
- How do you avoid tearing during delivery?
- How do you handle heartburn during pregnancy?
- How long will I be in the hospital after delivery?
- How much maternity leave should I take?
- How often should my baby kick?
- How often will baby kick and will I feel it?
- How should I deal with trouble sleeping during pregnancy?
- How should I update my will for my baby?
- Husband scared of sex in pregnancy - is it normal?
- I've been invited to a baby shower, but I have no idea what gift to buy. What do you suggest?
- Is caffeine safe in pregnancy?
- Is it safe to eat cheese in pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have vaccinations during pregnancy?
- Is it safe to use fake tan during pregnancy?
- Is lead paint dangerous for my baby?
- Is my nursery safe?
- Is there always a c-section with multiple births?
- Is unpredictable foetal movement normal?
- Miscarriage chances after 12 weeks?
- Needing the toilet: is there any way to decrease the number of toilet trips I need?
- Pregnancy discharge: is it normal to have discharge while pregnant?
- Pregnancy emotions: is this roller coaster normal?
- Prenatal care? What are my options?
- Should I be concerned about bleeding in late pregnancy?
- Should I be doing yoga during my third trimester?
- Should I buy or rent a breast pump?
- Should I have an epidural or not?
- Should I tour the maternity ward?
- Swollen feet and ankles in pregnancy. Is this normal, and what can I do?
- What are Placenta Conditions?
- What are safe sleeping positions during pregnancy?
- What are the best parenting books out there?
- What are the best sex positions for the third trimester?
- What are the options for pregnancy termination?
- What are the prenatal tests during the third trimester?
- What games can I play at my baby shower?
- What goes into putting together birth announcements?
- What is a baby registry, and should I have one?
- What is a doula?
- What is a spot on my baby's heart?
- What is amniocentesis?
- What is an episiotomy?
- What is an ultrasound?
- What is causing my weird pregnancy dreams?
- What is cord blood banking?
- What is good music for labour?
- What is involved in the C-Section procedure?
- What is preeclampsia?
- What is the mucous plug?
- What is the optimum placental positioning?
- What is the role of the delivery staff during child birth?
- What medications are safe during pregnancy?
- What should I know about abdominal pain during pregnancy?
- What sort of questions should I have for the maternity ward tour?
- What weight gain to expect during pregnancy?
- What's the best way to babyproof my home?
- When does breast milk form?
- When should I change my sleep position?
- When should I tell my boss I'm pregnant?
- When should you stop working during pregnancy?
- When will others feel my baby kick?
- Why am I not gaining weight during my third trimester?
- Why do I have leaky breasts in my third trimester?
- Why is fibre important in pregnancy?
- Will I need a nonstress test during pregnancy?
- Will my baby be in breech?