Get Your Baby Ready for Their First Spring

Last updated: 20/02/2017 07:41 by TraceyC to TraceyC's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
The changing of the season is something we are so used to, that, unless there are extreme conditions we don’t even notice it. However, for babies, all of that is completely new. Everything from higher temperatures to shorter nights comes as a surprise to them, and it is up to the parents to guide them through this turbulent period. That will include working on new sleep routines, preventing cold and flu, as well as adapting baby’s dressing to new weather conditions. Here are a few tips that should make your preparation for new season go as easy as a springtime breeze.

Spring Forward Sleep Strategies

For babies sp ring forward can feel like some sort of jet lag. They can be harder to put down at bedtime, more difficult to wake in the morning, or they can wake up in the middle of the night. When sleeping patterns are this disrupted, your baby can be cranky, moody or need more naps during the first week. This problem should be prevented early on. Start about a week before the clock changes. Put your little one to bed each night ten minutes earlier, and you will make this transition much easier.

Be Prepared for Allergic Reactions

Spring is well known as the season with the most allergens floating around in the air, pollen being the most frequent among them. If you notice your baby is allergic to something, it is best to address to the doctor immediately. Childhood eczema is very common in babies and kids in general. To prevent and minimize the effects of eczema, you should avoid aggravating baby’s skin with perfumed products and stick to the cream-based formulas.

Don’t Lower Your Guard for Cold and Flu

When winter passes we usually think that the cold and flu have gone with it, but they tend to stick around for quite some time. You should still keep your baby away from overly crowded places, especially if some of them are infected with viruses. Since babies can’t get a flu injection until they’re six months old, it is important for you to get a flu shot (if possible when you’re pregnant, if not, while you’re breastfeeding).

The Spring Checkup

Babies should visit pediatricians at least once every six months. Start this season by taking your little one to a regular springtime checkup. The healthcare provider should check their heart rate, and pulse to figure out are there any risks from injury, and do some other examination if there are suspicions on allergy or some other condition.

Dressing for the Occasion

Springtime temperatures can be tricky: one minute it is cold, the next second it’s hot. Neither one of these extremes is good for your baby. Dressing in layers is the most logical solution. If you want to dress up your little girl in spring-worthy cute skirt, you should definitely put her own pantyhose or tights, and a cardigan over a t-shirt. Baby boys are much simpler to dress up, a pair of jeans, onesie, t-shirt, hoodie and/or vest. You can look here for some great pieces for springtime layering. Don’t forget about light cotton hat, to keep baby’s head warm, but not too warm, and windbreaker in case of a slight rain.

Spend More Time Outside

Springtime evenings can be chilly, but days are usually moderately warm, which makes them perfect for taking everyday strolls around the neighborhood with your little bundle of joy. You can even find another mom willing to walk and talk. The most important is that your baby has access to fresh air, and that is protected from the sun.

Spring is the most marvelous season of them all, and as soon as your baby starts running around the backyard, they will realize that too. For their first spring, though, they’ll definitely need your help and guidance.
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