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How do I have the talk with my tween?

Puberty is a time of massive change
This is the time where children begin the journey from kids to adults. It’s a long journey, one that can be anxious, exciting, difficult and challenging all in one. There are lots of ways to help your daughter transition through this age as smoothly as possible.
Having 'the talk'
While it’s tradition for many parents to sit their daughter down and have ‘the talk’ about the birds and the bees, it shouldn’t really just be one conversation. The best way to prepare your daughter for the big changes is to have a series of frank discussions. These can begin from a young age and don’t have to be detailed in the beginning. It is wise to start opening up the channels of communication and lay a good foundation of trust early on. This way your daughter will feel comfortable and know that she can talk to you.
The details of puberty
As she is getting closer to puberty, this is the best time to talk about everything in depth. Explain how her body is going to change, how her breasts will grow, underarm and pubic hair will sprout, how she will need to use deodorant, etc. Speak openly about menstruation and what will happen when she gets her first period so she won’t feel scared or ashamed about what’s happening to her.
It’s important that your daughter feels comfortable coming to you and talking about what is happening. 
Prepare a period pack
It’s a good idea to prepare a pack of sanitary products that she can carry in her school bag, in case she gets her period while out and about. This is a good chance to talk about what different products can be used and when. It will also make her feel more certain and confident about what is happening to her.
Boost her self-esteem
During puberty, a young girl’s self-esteem can take a battering. Her changing body can make her feel self-conscious and embarrassed. You can help her by complimenting her looks and making her feel good about herself. A girl who feels confident will also be able to handle big changes with greater ease. 

More questions

During puberty, extra nutrients are needed to cope with the body’s increased need.
If you’re a parent of a preteen, if you haven’t already sat your child down for “the talk” you may want to consider doing so! 
Puberty can be a source of insecurity and worry, so make sure you’re reassuring and that you’re open to questions during your conversation with your son.
For boys, puberty starts when the brain sends a signal to the testicles to produce testosterone
This is the time where children begin the journey from kids to adults. It’s a long journey, one that can be anxious, exciting, difficult and challenging all in one.
Talking to your tween about menstruation can be daunting, read our tips.......
Getting your first period represents an exciting milestone in a young girl’s life. But, what happens if she’s at school or away from you?
It's important that you discuss menstruation with your daughter as early as possible as many girls get their periods at quite a young age.

