Growing up your relationship with your mum probably went through a few stages including the being-too-embarrassed-to-walk-beside them stage, and it changes again when you become pregnant


If you are lucky to have a good bond with your mum, you'll notice how your feelings and attitude towards her will change as you progress through your nine month journey, from being close to being best friends! 


And here's why: 


1. She knows exactly what you are going through

Well she has been there before! 


2. She’ll know why your feet are swollen

'Cause she suffered from the exact same thing on you. 


3. And when you’re exaggerating your symptoms

Our mum is a no-nonsense kind of lady!



4. She’ll know when to hold your hand

And when to give you space - most of the time!


5. You’ll look at each other through different eyes

And relish in your upcoming new roles.


6. You’ll connect over the wonder of life

And moan about men in the process!


7. She won’t fob your tears down to just hormones

She’ll know when you are nervous.



8.She’ll support you unconditionally

Even if you want to give birth in the jungle....


9. She’ll become your pregnancy guru

Well she has been through it, you know!


10. She’s there to hold your hair during those really bad morning sickness days

And make you dinner on those days when you can't face it. 




