15-months-old: Thinking back to my three-week residency in the Coombe

Last updated: 19/12/2016 11:25 by LivingWithTriplets to LivingWithTriplets's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
It is 9.50pm and my daughter Róisín has just eventually drifted off to sleep in my arms.
Just like every night she went to bed at 7pm, but due to the fact she is shattered and overtired she couldn't settle. I treid everything but she just would not give in.
Elliot was asleep by 7:10pm, and while Rebecca did not want to sleep either, we eventually got her off at about 8pm.
Róisín had other plans.
In the end, the relaxing CD that I have on my phone - which I listened to during my pregnancy - was the winner....along with a cuddle!
Lying here makes me appreciate quite how lucky I am.
I love every minute with my trio and am just so lucky to have three happy, healthy babies (I suppose children now...), who are changing daily as they explore life and learn new things.
I think back to listening to this album in the Coombe for my three week residency when little Róisín herself was deliberating whether to enter the world at 26 weeks and 1lb 8oz or wait until 29 weeks and 2lbs 1oz - quite a thought really!
Now she is laughing, smiling, dancing, and working out to take the courage to let go of furniture and walk by herself.
When I think of friends I know who have given birth to babies who have not survived I realise that - against the odds - we were blessed with three tiny, but fighting little people.
And I know God and my dad up in heaven helped bring this happiness into our lives.
My very good friend lost her mum last week to cancer and her mum, like my dad, lost the chance to have any more time (or any time) with their grandchildren.
It's times like these that make you realise to live every life to the absolute full, see the good in people and start each day with a smile!
My mum and dad have taught me that and I hope to instil it in my kids.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology