A new chapter begins

Last updated: 22/04/2015 17:26 by GrainneReid to GrainneReid's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
As I helped my daughter get ready for her first morning back at preschool after the Easter break, I couldn't help but think how this week would bring such huge change for my beautiful family. 
In January 2014, following a difficult journey trying to conceive through the assistance of fertility medication, I took ill at just five months pregnant. After taking a turn in work, I was rushed to the hospital and treated for a pulmonary embolism. This marked the beginning of a difficult final four months, which saw me become very ill and placed on medication to prevent preterm labour. 
Looking back at those four months now, I have so much appreciation for how well I was minded by my close family, friends, work colleagues and the medical profession. My own GP was so attentive and everyone close to me knew how much it meant for me to have a sibling for my eldest daughter.
With three miscarriages behind me, I listened when I was told to rest. Nothing was more important than the safe arrival of my little one so I did not return to work for the remainder of my pregnancy. 
Right to the very end, this baby was determined to keep me on my toes. The labour was a very difficult one, and following three and a half days in slow labour, little Emma Kate was rushed into the world by vacuum delivery, surrounded by a team of doctors as she had gotten into distress. 
After the initial silence and two doctors checking her over, I can still hear her little voice cry out. 
Although my pregnancy and the delivery of little Emma was without doubt very challenging; she has been quite the perfect baby. I have had my heartache trying to conceive my girls but they have certainly rewarded me by being the best sleepers, eaters and generally most pleasant children. 
So why was that week bringing such change for my girls, my husband and me? 14 months since I was rushed from my office in work to the hospital have now passed, and this would be my first week back to work.
When I returned after having my first baby, I was already back on fertility medication in the hope of falling pregnant again, so my focus back then was somewhat different than my return to work this time round. 
I certainly am not ruling out a third baby, but if it's to be, it will be. I however, am very content with being a soon to be ‘working mum’ of two. I have very mixed emotions, but now the time is actually upon me to return, I am going to embrace it as a new chapter for my family and for me.
I know there will be tears as I get into my car, ahead of my first drive back to work but I also know how amazing those cuddles will be when I return home every evening. It is those smiles and cuddles that will see me through every working day…
Gráinne Reid lives in Co. Longford with her husband and two children. With a background in social care and 14 years in the child care industry, she still finds her two little girls teaching her new things every day. You can also follow her personal blog here.
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