Am I the only one who loves when school closes for summer?

Last updated: 02/07/2015 16:08 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
The summer brings with it a whole host of emotions for SAHMs and working mothers; the school closes, routines go out the window and it can either be the best time or an absolute disaster.
As the doors close behind students, many mums can be heard bickering and moaning about how much harder the holidays are, and being a working mum myself, with a primary school age child, I am all too aware of the trials and tribulations that the summer brings.
But while I totally envy the teachers their two months off (who doesn't?!) and feel guilty when my little one asks why I can’t be home with her all day, I have to admit the holidays actually make my life so much nicer, and here’s why:
1. No more school lunches
This has to be the single best thing about the holidays - well, for me anyway! The daily chore of making and deciding what to feed my child for lunch is draining. Really, really draining, and boring. And by the time May comes around, I’ve literally run out of ideas!
2. No strict routines
Getting my little girl to bed at the same time every day can be a little wearing. Now she's free to roam the outdoors ‘till all hours and I don’t break out into a sweat. So long, 7:30pm bedtime!
3. There’s real quality time
While I like to believe that the hour I spend with my daughter in the mornings and evenings is ‘quality time,’ it’s nothing like the trips to the park as the sun sets or the ice-creams in the garden that we stuff our faces with before bed!
4. The calm mornings
While the morning schedule is still the same, it is now minus the fights and shouts of “hurry up” and “don’t spill that on your uniform”! We actually manage to leave the house still talking to each other... kind of.
5. The bright, balmy evenings
Ok, I know the evenings aren’t always going to be as nice as they have been over the past few days, but putting my little girl to bed, knowing I don’t have to get uniforms ready and can actually enjoy a cup of tea outside is pure bliss!
We're only a week in though, so I may change my thinking in a few days...
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
image via Pinterest
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