Everyday things that are a lot harder when you have kids

Last updated: 25/06/2015 16:25 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Now don’t get me wrong, being a mum is one of the most rewarding and important jobs that I have, but it is definitely a challenging one! 
While I love every aspect about it, if I'm being honest, there are a few things that are made a lot harder when you have a little one to take care of!
1. Enjoying a lie-in
This is the first weekend in a long time where there is no early morning call for training in our house so I’m really looking forward to a lie-in.... ha, yeah right! Until they reach the dreaded teen years, children just don’t seem to understand how amazing staying asleep past ten is!
2. Sleeping in general
Every morning I tell myself that I’m going to bed early that night but I never, ever keep my word! Every evening I find myself looking at the clock edging closer and closer to 11pm, but with clothes to wash and last minute costumes to make (that one happened last week!) it's just not happening! 
3. Catching a bus
On the rare occasion that I actually have to get a bus, running for it is so much harder when you have a seven-year-old dragging out of your arm. And the constant worry that they'll bang their face off the metal bar is just not worth the hassle.
4. Having a bath
Unless the house is empty, you’ll only be able to enjoy the bath for about five minutes before there is a knock on the door: “I forgot to tell you, I need to bake buns for school tomorrow...”
5. Eating dinner
Not even at the dinner table do us mums get any peace! “Mum, can I’ve a drink?”, “Mum, I dropped my fork”, “Mum, I’m not hungry...”
6. Watching TV
I sit in fear that even Corrie will say something inappropriate my little one’s heightened sense of hearing will pick up.
7. Going to the cinema
Going to the cinema requires organising a babysitter three weeks in advance, and going as a family literally breaks the bank – I think the last thing we saw together was... Nope, sorry, can’t remember...
8. Doing make-up
My little girl likes to make a lot of noise which means regularly poking myself in the eye in my haste to check out what that bang was.
Obviously things change when you have a child to care for, but behind all the moaning and what-ifs there is no way us mums would change a single thing! Sure, we’ll get our revenge when we’re old and need looking after!
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
image via Pinterest
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