Going from no running to running for 30 minutes is easy! Anyone can do it!

Last updated: 09/06/2014 21:26 by RunWithTina to RunWithTina's Blog
Tina Murphy, Founder, Run with Tina and Coca-Cola Thank You Fund Judge
This week I’ve decided to share an extract with you from my upcoming book, Transform with Tina
This programme is aimed at complete beginners who want to start running. However, if you feel that you’re not ready to run yet, start with just regular brisk walks for few weeks and when you want to step it up a bit, start with this simple program. It’s easy I promise!!
For this programme to work you will need to do three sessions a week. Consistency is the key so try not to skip sessions. Put them in your diary and make them your priority.
Before running, you should do some dynamic stretches to warm up. I like to go through each joint in my body, rolling my head from side to side, stretching my neck; rolling my shoulders back and forward, and circling my hips, etc. This is a great way to loosen up your body and help prevent injuries.
Always start with a 5-minute warm up walk then for the next 30 minutes alternate running and walking. How you measure your intervals is up to you – you can time them but make sure you do not run for more than 1 minute the first week.You can go by distance making sure you start with short distances, e.g. ‘I’ll run from this park bench to the next one’ - no more than about 50 metres. A more intuitive way is to go by how you feel – stop running when you feel you’re starting to get out of breath. This is a great way to tune into your body and learn to listen to it. It also works as a great meditation!
After your running interval walk until your heart rate calms down and you catch your breath and then run a little again. If you’re timing yourself, after a 1 minute run interval, walk for 2 minutes (or more if you feel you need it).
After your walk/run intervals, always walk for a minimum of 5 minutes to cool down.
Do this session 3 times a week, consistently, slowly increasing the time you run for and as the weeks go by you will be amazed by the progress you make. However, do not try to increase your running intervals every time you run. For the first 4 weeks, you should do more or less the same intervals three times week; only increase the distances once a week. Only ever increase your intervals once you are comfortable with the previous one. If it feels like you’re never going to be comfortable with your running intervals, you need to slow down. Run at a walking speed; run as slow as you can – there is no such thing as too slow!
In 8 to 12 weeks you should be able to run for 30 minutes pretty comfortably but if it takes you longer, that is perfectly fine, it’s not a race. As long as you’re running and enjoying each session, that’s all that matters. You are still getting stronger, fitter and healthier one run a time.
It is important to go slowly, start slowly, and keep your pace down to make it easier on yourself. If you go too fast, you won’t be able to keep it up.
After your run, it’s important to stretch all your muscles well to prevent soreness and tightness. Work through your legs – calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, carefully stretching each muscle. A weekly yoga class would help prevent tightness greatly.
Tina Murphy, Founder of Run With Tina, is a judge for this year’s Coca-Cola Thank You Fund. Voluntary and non-profit organisations in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are being encouraged to apply for the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund (the Fund), which will award a total of €125,000 in five separate grants this year. The grants will serve as major funding for innovative projects with ideas to get people and communities moving through sport and activity based programmes.
Applications for the Fund are being accepted online from today until 6pm on the 16th of June at www.coca-cola.ie/thankyou
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology