How things changed when Mum got a ‘Wife’

Last updated: 09/10/2014 10:36 by TaraDuggan to TaraDuggan's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
So today, just like every working day, I ran out the door to catch my bus, leaving a trail of destruction in my wake. Breakfast dishes still in the sink, wet clothes in the washing machine, toast crumbs and a few stray Cheerios on the kitchen floor and a pile of ironing so tall that it resembles the leaning tower of Pisa.
Tonight when I get home from the office however I will walk into a house of clean and calm. Sparkling surfaces, flawless floors, dry, folded and ironed laundry and a hot dinner waiting for me on the table. You see while I was at work, slaving over a hot news desk, my 'wife' was taking care of things back at the ranch.
My 'wife' dutifully slaves away day after day picking up my very large slack along with a couple of dozen toy cars, dirty underwear, cat poop and the aforementioned sprinkling of Cheerios. My 'wife' also hangs out and then brings in at least two loads of laundry every day. She also makes the beds, feeds the cat, does the dreaded homework and primarily loves and takes care of my brood of three (not to mention a gaggle of cul-de-sac kids as they troop in and out over the course of the day).
My 'wife' is the glue that keeps our family together, but more importantly she is the one that keeps the show on the road. 
You know that ugly scene when you're very late for school and one of them can't find their shoes? Well readers, that is a row that simply does not occur in my house anymore and that's all credit to my 'wife'.
As well as keeping the house on track, she also ensures my children's emotional wellbeing throughout the day, noticing if they're not quite themselves and solving it with a chat and a hug. My 'wife' makes sure my children are safe and warm and not watching too much telly. My 'wife' applies the plasters when knees are grazed or elbows scuffed. My 'wife' is the troubleshooter when a problem arises. My 'wife' is the peacemaker when a row occurs.
While I go to work in a buzzy, stimulating and fun environment with a group of people I love, my wife has a gang of kids for company as the long list of daily child/house tasks are undertaken.
But it’s not just the that my 'wife' keeps family life sane, happy and organised; my emotional needs are also met, in full.
I couldn't do what I do without my 'wife' and I couldn't have the life I have without my 'wife'. I couldn't be this happy and fulfilled without my 'wife' and neither could my children.
Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg tells us all in her book 'Lean In' that us women can have it all - smiling happy children, a glittering career, fulfilling marriages and a pristine home. What planet is the woman on? Or rather how many 'wives' does Ms. Sandberg have? 
Me? Well I only have one the one and to me, she goes by the name of Mammy! 
Tara Duggan is a 40-something mum of 3 from north Dublin and a journalist and presenter with Newstalk radio. She's glad to be past the nappy years but is staring adolesence in the face and not looking forward to it. Her essentials for family life are cuddles, routine and a healthy dose of humour. 
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology