I still can’t believe my own mother said this to me

Last updated: 09/07/2015 16:07 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Working full-time and trying to keep track of my daughter’s hectic social life, I’ll be honest and tell you that my home would never win a prize for being the tidiest house.
Couple that with the fact that me and cleaning just aren’t the best of friends I’ve accepted that I'm just never going to live in a Pinterest-worthy house, no matter how much I want to.
My mum, on the other hand, likes to keep a tidy house, which, to be fair, is no mean feat when you’ve got a raucous granddaughter roaming around. No joke, you could go into her home and eat off the floor it’s that tidy!
And while I certainly learned a thing or two from her in the chores department - in that I bleach, disinfect, vacuum, sweep and dust - I just don't stress if I don’t get to it that day.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’d never make it as a domestic goddess, but it’s not like we’re living in filth! It’s clean and tidy – just not as tidy as my mum would like!
She was over at my place recently, and I was not prepared when she uttered the words I’d been dreading: “I’d love to just get in here and give it a good clean.” And she said it whilst fixing my couch throw.  
To be fair, after working an eight-hour day I’d much rather play football with my little girl or sit back and watch Coronation Street than go around with a duster and a cloth.
However, in my defence, if someone is calling over, I’m the mum who’ll be up to one or two in the morning cleaning and polishing for fear anyone comments. I just never thought it would be my own mother...
Although I’m seriously considering taking her up on her offer.
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
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