Just How Safe Is Your Family?

Last updated: 28/03/2017 15:48 by TraceyC to TraceyC's Blog
Filed under: Guest Bloggers
Today, you have to think about the safety of your family more than ever before. With all the disasters occurring every now and then – from tsunamis and floods to wars and famine – it seems that nobody is safe. That’s why you should take matters into your own hands and keep your family safe at all times. This means elevating the level of safety in your own home, back yard and even the car. These are the places where most accidents occur, so focusing on them might make more sense than worrying about natural disasters that may or may not affect you. Here’s how to check whether your family’s safe or not and what you can do to improve their safety.

Your Car
You may not realize it, but more than three thousand people die in car accidents all around the world every single day! All of these crashes sum up to nearly 1.3 million deaths per year – that’s almost the entire population of San Diego lost in just one year. Therefore, your car might be the first place to start the family protection process. There are two things you should focus on: your safety and the safety of your passengers.

Lots of people don’t fasten their seat belts thinking they’re too cool or too indestructible to ever get into a car accident. But this simple act could easily save your life and prove to be more effective than any airbag your car might have, so start buckling up the minute you get into the car. The same goes for your passengers – whoever’s driving with you must fasten their seat belts. Remember – child safety seat can be a bit pricey, but will ultimately save the life of your child. If you follow the instructions and install them adequately, you can be sure that your child is going to be safe.

Your Home
This may be the biggest safety concern of the modern era – how to keep your family safe at your own home? You could constantly be under threat without even knowing it, so it’s high time you did something. However, since there are so many things to take into consideration, what should be your priority?

First of all, make sure your home is impenetrable. Purchase a reliable front door that will turn away potential thieves and spend some extra money on safety locks for all windows and doors. This way, you’ll successfully seal your home and prevent break-ins that could result not only in theft, but also injury.

Another thing to do is secure your home against the aforementioned natural disasters. You may not live in a tsunami region, but could still be affected by harsh rains, hurricanes, storms and other threats. That’s why it’s important to protect your home against severe weather conditions – once you install hurricane straps, wind-resistant shingles and impact-resistant windows and doors, no thunderstorm will hurt you!

At Home
Once your home is protected and secure, it’s time to deal with the activities of your family inside the home. Make sure everyone – no matter how old they are – knows how to behave at the staircase and near the basement entrance. Falls are, quite unexpectedly, among the biggest dangers of a modern home, both for children and the adults who trip and fall more often than you think. You could deal with this issues by keeping a neat and organized home with no tripping hazards – wires, extension cables and rugs are particularly risky.
Ultimately, don’t forget the electricity. While exploring their surroundings, children often have a tendency to stick their fingers in electrical outlets which could lead to serious injuries. In order to prevent that, install safety covers and teach your youngsters not to touch the outlets.
Other Considerations
Unfortunately, these tips might not be enough to ensure your family’s safety on an everyday level. Some of the other things you should do include purchasing a fire extinguisher and learning how to use it, teaching your children not to play with matches, making them wear a helmet when riding a bike or playing a potentially dangerous sports – football is especially unsafe – and, finally, updating your home security regularly.
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