Kim Kardashian doesn't need to justify her daughter's presence to anyone

Last updated: 18/02/2015 14:14 by KeepingItReal to KeepingItReal's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
So, let’s chat about Kim Kardashian and her latest mothering ‘mistake’.

I know, I know.

We’re all sick of talking about her, and God knows if I hear anything else about her egomaniacal husband I’ll blow a gasket, but I feel her recent move deserves a little consideration. And by consideration, I don’t mean we should mull over it for a moment before condemning her to the fiery hell of ‘Mothers Who Should Know Better’.

I mean, actually considerate it… in a considerate manner.

Kim was slammed for bringing her baby daughter North to the fashion show of He Who Shall Remain Nameless.

And why was she slammed? Well, because toddler North did what toddlers do best; she threw a right old hissy-fit, mortified her mother and irritated those around her.

So far, so textbook, right? So why did it make the headlines?

Well, because North dared do it in front of world-famous celebrities at her world-famous father’s fashion show for a world-famous sports brand.

What did that teach us?

It taught us that children don’t discriminate. And thank God for that.

I applaud Kim for knowing that North’s attendance could be a recipe for disaster, but decided to surge ahead anyway.

If anyone had a right to be there it was the designer’s daughter and if she wanted to throw a tantrum because she was restless or, more likely, mortified by her dad’s designs, then let her.

If Kim wanted her daughter present at a special moment in her father’s life, then surely that’s enough justification for bringing the child to an adult-oriented event, right?

And who exactly does Kim need to answer to?

Her fellow celebrities, many of whom are known for behaving in a more embarrassing manner than North ever has?

Yes, it was unfortunate that North’s wails offended Beyonce’s delicate ears and it was a crying shame that Anna Wintour’s wig (It is a wig, right?) didn’t blow off her head with the force of Miss West’s screams, but what can you do?

North was acting like the child she is.

I’m sure when she learns to talk and starts mimicking the drivel we often hear uttered by her parents, those outraged celebs and appalled members of the public will long for the days she was only able to manage a few impressive wails. 
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