Blog List

Women and Babies Men can be very silly sometimes. In an effort to please, we men can end up in the greatest of messes. Men know women love to hear about babies. So in a male’s excited enthusiasm to announce his friend’s wife has just delivered, he foolishly, and some would say unwittingly, leaves himself open for attack. Like a rookie soldier walking through the quicksand laden jungle he...
Last updated: 31/07/2014 by conorlynch to conorlynch's Blog
Filed under: Relationships
hi my daughter is 11 and her best friend is a 12yr boy, they are very close like brother and sister, they have sleep overs in both our house and his, they sleep in seperate beds in the same room with the door open, both myself and my husband are always in the house and his mother is always in his house, they are very innocent and i know nothing "grown up" is happening...i love the fact they are...
Last updated: 24/05/2014 by lizziem12 to lizziem12's Blog
Filed under: Relationships
While a more traditional way of dealing with problems in marriage is to see a therapist, new research has found that couples who discussed relationship films over the course of twelve weeks, lessened their chances of filing for divorce. The findings, Published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, showed that a simple movie and chat approach works just as well as intensive therapy...
Last updated: 05/02/2014 by CatherineMom to CatherineMom's Blog
Filed under: Relationships
Do you feel you’re excluding the couples in your life who don’t have children? And worse, do you regularly make their reproductive decision a topic of conversation? While there has been an increase in the number of babies born in recent times, there are also a significant number of couples who either can’t have children or have made the decision not to have them. These couples have reported...
Last updated: 17/09/2013 by CatherineMom to CatherineMom's Blog
Filed under: Family, Relationships
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology