Review of BFree's Multigrain Wraps

Last updated: 12/08/2013 15:46 by CatherineMom to CatherineMom's Blog
Filed under: Health, Mums Say Reviews, Nutrition & Fitness
For many coeliacs and those with a gluten intolerance, lunch is the most awkward meal of the day. Unable to turn to the old reliables - bread and rolls - we find ourselves struggling to create interesting (and quick and portable) lunches to get us through the day.
Irish company BFree has now added Multigrain Wraps to its collection of wheat and gluten free breads. The new product claims to be the lowest calorie wrap on the shelf at just 99 calories and also boasts a range of health benefits such as gluten free and dairy free. Sounds good on paper, but how does it hold up in reality?
Having tried a variety of gluten free brands on the market, I was already a fan of BFree. I regularly buy their Brown Seeded Loaf and Brown Seeded Rolls, finding it to be the only bread on the market that doesn't need toasting to be palatable. For me, they came the closest to ‘regular’ bread; the thing I missed most since being diagnosed with a gluten intolerance. However, gluten-free breads tend to be a little heavy in general and I was waiting for gluten free tortillas to appear so that I could make wraps for lunch. When I heard BFree had attempted their own version, I had high hopes and I wasn’t disappointed.
The wraps were light and similar in taste and texture to the normal wheat variety. They were perfect for my lunchtime chicken wrap and also held up well when I cooked with them.
This is definitely an exciting addition to the gluten free range in supermarkets.
Looking for some tasty recipes using gluten free products? Follow our guide for the French classic Croque Madame and the comforting Spinach and Ricotta Enchiladas.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology