So today my daughter went to school without her school bag

Last updated: 03/02/2015 16:18 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Being forgetful is definitely a mother’s prerogative. With so many things to remember, stuff to carry and kids to get out of the house, it is pretty easy for silly things, like forgetting to turn off the light in the morning, to simply slip out of your mind.
However, problems arise when you start forgetting important things like not bringing your keys to work, going to get milk and picking up something else, or,  like me this morning, forgetting to bring your child’s school bag to school. Yes, this did happen.
Arriving at the school gate to realise you have left a pretty important item at home does not make for a very good start to your day.
For the first few seconds upon realising my mistake, my mind literally ran away from me as I wondered how I could have been so stupid, before I finally asked myself the dreaded question: do I need to cycle all the way back home to get it? The thoughts of it gave me the shivers.
All the while my little monkey shamelessly announced to friends around her that “Mummy forgot my bag”. While I was in a sweat, I’m pretty sure she was enjoying the whole thing.
Lucky for me, there had been no homework the previous night so all – well most – of her books were in class. It wasn’t really a big deal, was it?
Anyway cap in hand (well helmet in hand) I told the teacher my problem. Thankfully my worries were unfounded - it wasn’t a major problem, so I gave my little girl my own lunch and kissed her goodbye. Problem solved.
Upon telling my significant other, I was met with non-stop laughter and after my embarrassment and worry were eased, I too had to chuckle.
Hopefully, it’ll never happen again. But I wouldn't be surprised if it does.
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
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