Sob! 10 things I cried at in the last seven days

Last updated: 18/02/2016 14:44 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers

Since becoming a mother, I have found myself moved to tears over anything and everything.

While I was by no means made of stone before the arrival of my two children, I was generally able to keep it together during TV commericals intended to pulled on your heartstrings, movies described as tearjerkers and love songs made for a good sniffle.

But now? Now, I'm a wreck.

And it's bizarre, because while I can certainly see the reason for crying when it comes to these things, I don't always imagine I will and yet the waterworks just set off all by themselves.

As my father would say, it's like "my bladder is too close to my eyesockets these days.”

I mightn't even realise I'm crying until my partner hands me a tissue and I'll suddenly realise I have tears sliding down my face while watching an ad for a children's charity.

Here are just ten things that have made me cry since last Thursday.

1. Unearthing my daughter's first schoolbag during a wardrobe clear-out

“Look how small it is. My baby!”

2. Seeing one small mitten hanging from a fence.

“Look how small it is. Someone else's baby!”

3. Realising my partner stubbed his toe while foostering in the dark so as not to wake me.

“I would never do that for you. Oh God, the guilt!”

4. Hearing a song my dad used sing to my mam in the kitchen.

“Get me the phone, I have to call them. Life is too damn short.”

5. Seeing my son rushing after my daughter to give her the scarf she left behind.

“Oh, the love. The love is too much.”

6. Watching a re-run of Friends when Ross arrives to the hospital with flowers for Rachel after she said yes to marrying Joey.

“Why? Why?!”

7. Realising I had finished my last Malteaser without properly savouring it.

“Nothing good ever happens me.”

8. Hearing my dad call me by my childhood pet-name while talking to my daughter.

“Oh God, I WAS a little pumpkin patch, wasn't I?”

9. Imagining my daughter's wedding day while flicking through my own album.

“I hope I'm there to see it.”

10. Seeing my son cry over Mufasa's death in The Lion King.

“He's got so many feels for a such a little boy.”

Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology