What a working mum misses the most

Last updated: 10/02/2015 15:42 by GrainneReid to GrainneReid's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I am currently on maternity leave and am very aware that my time for returning to work is fast approaching. This is something that has been playing on my mind lots over the last week or so. As I begin to organise childcare for my little ones, I feel somewhat in denial that my time at home with them is coming to an end.
I  enjoy every moment I spend with my children, but I know even when I return to work that I will always find time for us all as a family, I won't however have that daily quiet time that I truly adore with my eight-month-old baby; a time when there is nobody else in the house but us! My husband is gone to work, my eldest is in preschool and the house is oh so quiet.
This was a time I also enjoyed with my eldest when she was a baby and a time I missed so much on my return to work. As this is my second child, and therefore my second maternity leave, I know this time round just how hard returning to work truly is, I also know how difficult it will be leaving them that first morning to drive back to the office.
I'll miss those morning cuddles when there's nobody else around; the house quiet and Emma’s voice coming alive with oohs and ahs!  It is these moments, when my youngest truly finds her voice and when I can give her my undivided attention, that I cherish most of all. When I start to sing Twinkle Twinkle her face lights up with the biggest smile and her bright blue eyes shine gaze into mine until the verse is finished. She listens so attentively to every word, not making a single sound until I stop singing. Then her little babbling starts again, as if to say: "Sing it again, Mammy!"
Although I do enjoy my job,  I truly would give anything to be able to extend my time at home with my girls, but for now I am going to enjoy my remaining time off and those quiet morning cuddles with my beautiful baby girl .
Gráinne Reid lives in Co. Longford with her husband and two children. With a background in social care and 14 years in the child care industry, she still finds her two little girls teaching her new things every day. You can also follow her personal blog here.
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