Why it’s never ok to comment on a mother’s age. Ever.

Last updated: 26/03/2015 16:14 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Dare we open up a can of worms by talking about the sensitive topic of a mother’s age? Sure, why not!
Nowadays, women are starting their families later and later in life, with mid- to late-thirties being the optimum age for so many. Career, financial security, not ready to settle or haven’t met the right person - they are all very valid reasons not to pop a sprog out right now. But while it is more common to wait, not everyone wants to.
When we think back a few years, having a child in your twenties used to be the absolute norm - I’m thinking of our own mum’s generation here - but it’s clearly not anymore. Sadly, it’s often other mums who are the most judgemental towards those who started ‘early’.
Being a so-called young mum, I have received more than a few annoying and sometimes rude comments from others who are surprised I have a little person that I call my own!
I was far from being eligible to make an appearance on Teen Mom - not that that should make a difference - but having a child in your early twenties seems to give people the opinion that it is ok to comment on your age.
Having had my fair share of comments: “Oh, you started young” and  “you look too young to have a child” to the frustratingly annoying exclamations of "you have a child?!’ it is clear that women are definitely the less subtle of the sexes!
And while sometimes people mean it as a compliment, not everyone does, and their surprised face and raised voice are usually their main giveaways! 
It seems that other mums feel like it is ok to comment on your age and your ability to be a mum because you started earlier than them, but could you imagine if you said to an older woman: “Wow, you must have been really old starting off” - you just know all hell would break loose!
While it doesn’t bother me anymore, I just know one day one poor mum is going to catch me on an off day.
Nobody really knows what’s going on behind closed doors so it’s time we stopped commenting and making quick judgements.
Instead, let’s just embrace motherhood in all its guises – aren’t we all in this together?! 
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
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