Capturing the moments of your baby’s journey into the world is not an easy task and while having a person taking photos in the labour ward is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is not unusual.


If you do want your birth partner to take a few shots of your special moment, the following tips will ensure they take the perfect one.


Be prepared

Make sure the person who is taking the photo is well prepared and used to the camera. Have them take a few shots prior to the big day so that they can get a feel for it and understand how to use it. The last thing you want is for the shots to look blurry because they couldn’t work the focus properly.


Turn off the flash

For the most flattering and natural picture, turn off the flash. Not only can it make skin look a little shiny it might also frighten your little one. Again, practice will ensure there are no flash accidents. 


Use a proper camera

Unless your phone has a camera that is at least eight megapixels, use a proper camera - camera phones can produce pictures that look a little grainy. If you do need to use your phone download an app that will help you produced quality pictures.


Clean the lens

Give your lens a wipe and keep it covered with a lens cap. Fingerprints, scratches and dirt will obviously affect your pictures.


Avoid the unnatural pose

The best photos are always capturing a natural moment and while it is nice to have one proper pose with you and baby, get the photographer to take a few ones when you aren’t looking at the camera.


Get up close and personal

Don’t just stick to wide shots - close up pictures of your baby’s hand will be cherished forever.


Go dramatic

If you really want to remember the day – because believe us you won’t be able to after a few days – get the photographer to get photos of the various stages of labour: from the moment you go in the door until you have your baby in your arms. 


