Five facts about August babies that make them awesome

August is upon us already and we simply can’t believe it. This gorgeous month marks the end of the summer and is often the warmest time of year. If you are expecting an August angel, put your feet up and have a read these five adorable traits of August-born babies that make them extra special.

1. They are born bigger and grow taller than their peers in adulthood

Research on a UK Biobank study, found that August and September bubbas are heavier at birth. Heavier birth weights are linked to positive health outcomes- so mums expecting in August can celebrate. They are also likely to be taller when they grow up. Scientists estimate that this is down to the generally higher levels of vitamin D they receive in utero. The rays that mums catch in June and July will help baby grow healthy and strong, and it will stand to them in years to come.

2. They are less likely to suffer from mental health issues

Seasons have a significant impact on our mental health. Again, August babies have the benefit of longer days and more sunlight in utero. Mum’s vitamin D exposure is thought to reduce their tendency to develop bipolar disorder. Babies born in August and September are the least likely to suffer from this illness according to an English study carried out in 2012.

3. As a summer baby, they are more optimistic

Expect a confident and upbeat kid who considers themselves a lucky duck. Little ones born in warmer seasons tend to have a hyperthermic personality, according to research. This means they have an optimistic and positive temperament. A study carried out in 2005 also showed that August tots tend to consider themselves lucky, which would support the idea that they are optimistic in nature.

4. August babies love the limelight

Your August angel will be in the company of many Hollywood household names such as Blake Lively, Kylie Jenner, Demi Lovato, Mila Kunis and Jennifer Lawrence. There are SO many famous humans born in August that there simply must be a link between that August optimism and self-confidence. Your little one may even use these traits to lead a nation, like August-born US presidents such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. The future looks bright for your end-of-summer baby.

5. They will be the youngest or oldest in their class

Both of these outcomes have their own set of advantages. Research suggests that kids who are old for their school year will be more mature and probably do better in their academic and social endeavours. Younger kids will be finished school earlier, leaving lots of time for personal development. If they need to stay back a year, there will be no worries. If a gap year is on the cards, your child will have loads of time to think about their future.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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