I've always been allergic to exercise. I was the girl in P.E. Class who was thrilled if I'd forgotten my runners as it meant I could go to the library instead of the hockey pitch for the next 45 mins. I always just hated breaking into a sweat through physical exertion.
Now put me on a debating team and I was happy to have beads of perspiration roll down my back as I tried to pick holes in the opposition's argument. So I wasn't lazy in terms of working hard, I just thought I could use my time more efficiently than just mastering a forward roll.
Cut to a career in TV where looking at yourself on a daily basis on a wide screen is part of your work agenda. While I was laughing throughout my twenties, when I turned 30 (just a few short years ago..ahem) I looked at myself and thought, I can do better. So I got myself a personal torturer/trainer and never looked back.
Then when I found myself pregnant, my trainer was one of the first to know as I didn't want to do anything that might harm me or the baby. And suddenly training took on a whole new meaning. I was no longer just trying to tone and build strength for myself. Now I was preparing my body for its biggest job ever! Growing a baby!
The fact that you can't overheat or get your heart rate too high was also an added bonus. I wouldn't have to break a sweat for a whole nine months! Woohoo!
Then with changes to my working hours a few months ago, I wasn't able to make my regular gym appointments. So I looked at my dog, and told her to get busy. She was about to become the most walked dog in Dublin. So now every day we head out to the park for 30 mins of a brisk walk before work where she tells me of her worries about becoming a big sister ("what if he/she steals my squeaky toys?" her concerned eyes ask me) while she chases squirrels. The range of nutrients that Pregnacare provides has helped to continue feeling energetic and I'm always looking forward to this time of the day. I just love getting the sun on my face before I've to trowel on the slap. I'm definitely short of breath but I just pace myself. Though now that my bladder is getting squashed, I'm lucky if I get 15 mins out of it before I need to find a toilet.
I just love getting the sun on my face before I've to trowel on the slap. I'm definitely short of breath but I just pace myself. Though now that my bladder is getting squashed, I'm lucky if I get 15 mins out of it before I need to find a toilet.
I've also started reflexology as a friend of mine credits it for her "text book" labour.
And considering the husband's foot rubs last about 30 seconds before he gets bored, I don't mind paying someone else to treat my feet to some TLC. So far, so wonderful. It's such a lovely time out, and a luxury that is really only available to first time mums, when there's not other children needing attention.
Thankfully I never had major fatigue during this pregnancy, but I think that's because I've always been a good sleeper and been fanatical about getting my 8 hours a night. Plus the daily exercise and fresh air helps. So energy wise, I've felt great. Now I'm still ready to hit the couch hard come the evenings, but I think I was always like that after a busy day at work anyway.
The Pregancare supplements have also helped my overall well being. And because late nights are a thing of the past, I may be boring but that's what it takes to bloom these days!
To learn more about Pregnacare pregnancy supplements and their benefits visit: www.pregnacare.ie