Baked Apple and Apricot Purée
This is a delicious purée to offer to your weaning baby. It can be used as a breakfast purée or a dessert, alongside some yoghurt for an older baby. It’s even great for Mum and Dad with some ice cream!
4 Apples
8-12 Dried Apricots
1 large orange, zested and juiced
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
Wash and core the apples, stuff 2-3 apricots into the hollow of the apple, and sprinkle with some orange zest.
Place each of the apples on a square of tin foil, and add about 1 tbsp of juice from the orange into the middle of each apple.
Parcel the apples up and place on a baking tray. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes until soft.
To serve to your baby, blend it down to your desired consistency, adding a little bit of water if needed. You can also add some plain yoghurt to the mixture and use as a dessert for an older baby.
Main ingredients
Recipe Type
Dessert, Snacks, Babyfood
Storage and Texture
4mth+ – Offer to your baby when they are used to a small bit of texture.
6-9mths – Blended with some texture. Store in your 3oz or 4oz Babypotz
9-12mths – Minced and mashed with soft lumps. Store in your 5oz or 6oz Babypotz
Finger Food - Chop and offer as a finger food. Store in your 8oz Mummy Cooks Portion Pots
For more information and advice on how to wean your baby onto solid food visit