Babyfood Recipes

Looking for quick and easy, healthy baby food recipes? MummyPages has wholesome and tasty baby food recipes complete with ratings and tips.

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Beef and veggie burger
My first chicken curry by Annabel Karmel
Cinnamon French Toast
Banana chocolate fudgesticles
Baby Museli
Chicken and vegetable puree
Pear and avocado purée
Chicken and vegetables in coconut milk
Scrumptious salmon
Apple sauce
Boiled Egg and Avocado Toast
Chicken and barley casserole
Polenta Pudding with Blueberry Sauce for Baby
Butternut squash and lentil
Asparagus and Apple Purée
Prune cinnamon apple
Creamy cod and vegetables
Avocado pasta
Baby homemade pizza
Banana pancakes
Hummus with Coriander and Lime
Seafood Paella
Chicken curry
Fish Curry
Mini Fish Pie
Babys first gravy
Chickpea and coriander stew
Beetroot & plum
Baked Apple and Apricot Purée
Vegetable soup with barley

