Black forest tray bake

Black forest tray bake

125g butter, softened
125g caster sugar
1/2tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2tbsp milk
100g self raising flour
3tbsp cocoa powder
6tbsp black cherry jam
250ml double cream
12 fresh cherries
1-2tbsp grated chocolate,

Preheat the oven to 190C.

 Cream the butter, sugar and extract together until light and fluffy. Add the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.

Transfer the mixture into a 1baking tray,

Bake for roughly 12 - 15 minutes until firm but spring to the touch in the centre.

Place on a rack and leave to cool and cut into 12 squares

Spoon about 1/2tbsp chery jam on top of each cake.

 Whisk the cream until it gets to soft peaks stage. Spoon or pipe the cream on top of each square. Top with a cherry and sprinkle with the grated chocolate.


Main ingredients
Chocolate, Fruit

Recipe Type
Party Food, Cakes & Baking, Dessert, Easy, Entertaining, Cake Stall

Level of Difficulty

Brush the cakes with Kirsch before adding the jam to create a more boozy treat.

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