Chocolate macarons

Chef: Dr. Oetker
Prep: 20 mins
Cook: 25 mins
Chocolate macarons
These would go down a treat with a nice cup of tea and a bit of peace and quiet.

75ml (3fl.oz) double cream, at room temperature

100g (3 ½ oz) icing sugar

65g (2 ½ oz) ground almonds

15g (½ oz) cocoa powder

2 sachets Dr. Oetker Free Range Egg White Powder or 2 medium egg whites

15g (½ oz) caster sugar

65g (2 ½ oz) Dr. Oetker Fine Cooks’ Extra Dark Chocolate

Preheat the oven to 150°C (130°C Fan, Gas Mark 2). Line 2 baking trays with baking parchment.

 Put the icing sugar, almonds and cocoa powder in a blender or food processor and blend for a few seconds until finely ground. Set aside.

Make up the Egg White Powder according to the packet instructions, then whisk until very stiff. Whisk in the caster sugar.

Sift the ground ingredients on top and carefully mix into the egg white until well blended. The mixture should be soft yet pipeable.

Spoon the macaron mixture into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm (½ inch) plain round nozzle. Pipe 5cm (2inch) diameter rounds on to the prepared baking trays – you should be able to make 18 rounds. Tap the trays gently on the work surface to smooth and settle the tops. Leave the piped mixture at room temperature for about 30 minutes to form a slight skin on the surface – the outside should be dry, not sticky when touched lightly with your finger.

Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes until firm to the touch and slightly risen. Leave to cool on the baking trays for 10 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

For the filling, break the Extra Dark Chocolate into a small heatproof bowl. Put the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water and leave to melt. Remove from the water and leave to cool for about 20 minutes until slightly warm.

Whilst whisking the chocolate, gradually pour in the cream, whisking until thickly whipped and glossy.

Spread a small dollop of cream over one half of the macarons and sandwich together. Leave in a cool place for several minutes to firm before serving. Serve as soon as possible after filling.

makes 9

Preparation Time
20 minutes

Cooking Time
25 minutes

Main ingredients
Dairy, Eggs, Sugar

Recipe Type
Party Food, Cakes & Baking, Cake Stall, Cookies & Biscuits

Level of Difficulty

Once filled, the macaroons will become soft within a few hours; they are best kept at room temperature as chilling them will make them soft. Unfilled macaroons will keep in an air tight container for 2 weeks.

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