Easter bunny biscuits
25 mins
225g plain flour
175g margarine, such as Stork
115g caster sugar
1 medium egg yolk, beaten
24 silver balls
To decorate
Pink icing
Heat the oven to 180°C
Sieve the flour into a bowl. Add the margarine and rub together between your fingers until it looks like fine breadcrumbs. Mix in the sugar and the beaten egg yolk. Knead until you obtain a soft dough.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Cut out the shapes using bunny shaped cookie cutters. Put 2 silver balls on each cookie to make the eyes.
Carefully place the bunny shapes on greased baking paper and put in the oven for about 25 minutes or until the cookies get a light golden brown colour. Remove to a wire rack to cool.
Decorating: fill a piping bag with the pink icing and draw the nose and mouth of each bunny.
Cooking Time
25 minutes
Recipe Type
Cakes & Baking, Easy, Kids Food, Gifts, Cookies & Biscuits
Level of Difficulty
You can either buy the pink icing or make it yourself. Simply blend some icing sugar with enough water or lemon juice to make a paste and stir in a drop of pink or red food colouring.