Honey cupcakes
20 mins
20 mins
For the cakes:
115g butter, softened
115g caster sugar
115g self-raising flour
2 eggs
1 tbsp honey
For the sticky honey glaze:
60ml water
125ml honey (runny)
75g icing sugar
For the bees:
25g yellow marzipan
12 flaked almonds
Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper cases.
In a bowl, combine the butter, sugar, flour, eggs and honey. Stir well.
Divide the mixture equally into the cups.
Put in the oven for about 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and transfer the cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool down.
To make the glaze, bring the water and honey to a boil in a small saucepan, then turn off the heat. Sieve in the icing sugar and whisk again until smooth.
Pour the icing over each cooled honey cupcake and leave to harden. Keep the pan of icing as you will need it to make the stripes on the bees.
Divide the marzipan into six even pieces and roll them into fat sausage-like bees' bodies, tapering them in slightly at the ends.
Use a wooden skewer to paint stripes with the sticky honey glaze left in the pan. Then carefully attach the flaked almonds at an angle to make the bees' wings.
Use the skewer to draw faces on the bees and use a little icing to glue each bee to the top of the cupcake.
Preparation Time
20 minutes
Cooking Time
20 minutes
Main ingredients
Flour, Eggs
Recipe Type
Party Food, Cakes & Baking, Easy, Kids Food, Gifts, Cake Stall, Cupcakes
Special Info
Vegetarian, Pregnant Mums
Level of Difficulty