Search Results

Your search on nutrition has produced the following results on MummyPages:
The connection between sleep and growth
...nutrition - and a few other things - are absolutely essential for your child’s growth, for many reasons.sleep gives your child more energy, and helps with brain development, but it’s also...
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Failure to gain weight
...nutrition. the use of a growth chart is important and will tell you how your toddler is physically developing. your paediatrician or health care provider uses these charts to that tracks your...
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Calcium: getting enough of it in your child's diet
...nutrition survey (iuna 2005) reported that 37% and 28% of 5-15 year old girls and boys have inadequate intakes of calcium. teenagers are equally at risk according to the national teens food survey...
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What should I expect in the first trimester of my pregnancy?
...nutrition plays in you and your baby’s health, now and long into the future. trimester 1 this trimester will pass most quickly of all as you will probably be roughly half way through before you...
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How do I ensure a healthy diet during pregnancy?
...nutrition in the first 1000 days can influence your baby’s health, their school performance as children and their risk of developing common adulthood diseases such as heart disease, obesity and...
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Why are grain based foods like breakfast cereals important for teenagers?
...nutrition. some important nutrients found in cereals include: carbohydrates: carbohydrates provide teens with the energy they need to see them through the day. they also help with concentration at...
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What are the best foods to eat before an exam?
what are the best foods to eat before an exam? your child probably isn’t worrying about what she eats before an exam; however the brain requires quality nutrition in order to ensure it performs...
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Why is breakfast important for my child?
...nutrition they need. skipping breakfast means that children can become irritable, restless and tired by late morning, meaning they won’t have the energy or concentration they need to participate...
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Why are whole grains and cereals important for children?
...nutrition label and if the food has 3g/fibre per 100g it is considered a “source of fibre”. if it has 6g of fibre/100g of food then it is a “high fibre food”. did you know...
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Is it normal that my big kid doesn't seem to eat anything?
...nutrition, so if your child is maintaining adequate growth in both height and weight then she is getting enough calories. your child’s gp will be able to help determine this. while your child...
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How do I get my child to eat more healthy food?
...nutritional information on labels and ask him to read out what certain foods contain. try to get into a habit of selecting one new vegetable or one fruit to try each week. although, do keep in mind...
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Why is fibre important for family health?
...nutrition alliance), more than 80 percent of irish teenagers are not getting enough fibre in their diet. there are also concerns that children are not eating enough fibre. benefits of increasing you...
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Why is breakfast so important for school children?
...nutrition. journal of the canadian dietetic association, vol. 50, no. 4, 225-228.wyon et al (1997). an experimental study of the effects of energy intake at breakfast on the test performance of...
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What should I include in my diet to help protect aging eyes?
...nutrition is essential. a diet that is high in sugar and saturated fat can increase your chances of developing age related eye disease. on the other hand, healthy foods such as leafy green vegetables...
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What is weaning?
...nutritionally from milk, however as they grow older and start to use more energy, milk alone is no longer sufficient and further nutrition is required. weaning should begin at around 6 months and not...
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How can I understand salt content in foods?
...nutrition labels you will be able to determine how much salt is in the food you buy and reduce your salt intake. look at the food label these labels can be confusing and when it comes to salt they are...
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What is Cystic Fibrosis?
...nutrition. those who suffer from with cf are prone to constant chest infections and malnutrition. however as therapeutic options have expanded over the last decade, significant advances have been...
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Miscarriage chances after 12 weeks?
...nutrition, vitamin deficiencies (especially of the b vitamins), being overweight or underweight, hormonal insufficiency or imbalance, bacterial vaginosis, certain stds, and certain chronic conditions...
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Why is fibre important in pregnancy?
why is fibre important in pregnancy? it’s incredibly important to have a sensible and well-balanced diet during pregnancy. this will ensure your baby receives the proper nutrition they require...
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Do I need to sterilise bottles and when do I stop?
...nutrition (esphagn) recommends that powdered formulas be prepared fresh for each feeding and any leftover should be discarded, since powdered formulas are not sterile. 5 1
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