During your pregnancy, you will head into your doctors appointment with hundreds of burning questions, as you are dying to get the answers you need.


However, one lovely pregnant lady didn't actually need to see her doctor to get pretty much all of the answers she needed, thanks to a hilarious sign in her OBGYN's office. 


The lighthearted "Pregnancy and Women Q&A" was shared on Reddit, and features some typical pregnancy questions, that we are all guilty of asking:


"I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?", and "What is the most reliable method to determine my baby's sex?"


The answers to these questions are not what you'd expect, and we have not stopped laughing since we read them. 


In answer to the baby's movement, the sign responds with: "With any luck, right after he finishes college" - hilarious, and pretty darn true. 



With regards to the sex of the baby, the sign suggests that "childbirth" is the best way to determine if you are having a boy or a girl. 


The sign also explains that the best time to get an epidural is right after you find out that you're pregnant, and advises that the one thing to avoid while recovering from birth is another pregnancy. 


The post has proven to be extremely popular online, with a number of women commenting on it, sharing their personal experiences of pregnancy and childbirth. 


One user wrote: "I'm pregnant with my second, and I just read this aloud to my husband. After reading, I started laughing, and he said, "You find that funny? Which of those did you think was a joke?" 


While another shared her own hilarious run-in with a doctor: "I was recently looking to see if there are tips to reduce high amniotic fluid, and one of the completely serious but hilarious tips was childbirth. 'Delivering the baby will reduce amniotic fluid.' facepalm."



Reading this reminded us of that hilarious OBGYN story that happened back in January, when Chris and Rachel McQueen went for an ultrasound scan. The doctor picked up the wrong bottle and, instead of using lubricant on Rachel, he used hand sanitiser - YIKES. 


The couple posted a brilliant video explaining what had happened to them, and we are actually still laughing. 


Do you have any interesting stories for us? 


